Stories from the past
114 YEARS AGO Checotah Enquirer
Friday, September 24, 1909
Trouble in Cuba
Cuba is now having trouble with an insubordinate army. Still, struggling with many difficulties may be a good discipline for the young republic, if it retrieves its mistake of taking steps backward.
A Humane Work
During the meeting of the medical association at Atlantic City, a suggestion was made that the women physicians of New York and other towns of the north should cooperate in the work of teaching the poor to avoid disease, says the Florida Times-Union. Thus individual work has become one of strength and union.
The physicians of the female persuasion have already begun their human task, and the poor, infected children of the crowded quarters will be saved by it. The great philanthropy of this movement can scarcely be weighed until one realizes the want, the ignorance and the disease that reign over the tenement districts of New York.
Beverly, Mass., Sept. 15 – President William H. Taft today stepped into a motor car, waved a cheerful goodbye and started for Boston, where this evening he boards a private car and begins a tour of the west and south that will be the most remarkable trip ever taken by a president of the United States.
The route of about 13,000 miles has been carefully mapped out, and every arrangement is perfected. The fact that today is Mr. Taft’s fifty-second birthday anniversary was taken as a happy augury of the success of the long journey.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, September 20, 1923
Fire Destroys Barn and Hay
During the electrical storm last Friday night lightning struck the big hay barn on the old Dr. Moore property in the west part of town with the result that the barn and contents were entirely destroyed. Bob Nichols had leased the barn and had a little over 90 tons of hay in storage, which was partially covered with insurance.
Checotah Boy Wins Honor in Football
The Dallas News last week contained several pictures of the members of the Southern Methodist University football players among the number being the likeness of Tom Stidham of this city. The News also carried a lengthy story regarding the squad which highly praised Tom’s work along with the other members.
– Mrs. A.C. Long arrived home Saturday from Stillwater where she spent last week.
– H.P. Snow of Muskogee spent Monday in Checotah looking after business matters.
– H.G. Newcomb was a business visitor in the county seat Monday afternoon.
– I wish to trade a span of good mules for a Ford car or truck, prefer a truck. Write or call on me one mile south Checotah. W.S. Cooper.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, September 23, 1948
Carl Albert Principal Speaker At Eufaula Meet Carl Albert, third district congressman, the principal speaker at the county democratic rally in Eufaula Monday night, challenged the party’s faithful to get out the vote on election day “and bury the republican machine in the eternal oblivion it deserves.”
Checotah Fair Gates Swing Open On Friday Morning Exhibits Set Record
Gates to the annual Checotah fair will swing open to the public Friday morning with a recordbreaking number of exhibits, it was reported this week by Neill Lefors, manager.
Unusual interest has been reported in every division of the fair this year with the individual farm exhibit drawing the greatest attention.
Highway 9 To Get Blacktop Project
Construction of nearly 20 miles of road on State Highway 9 including over seven miles in McIntosh county, is slated for contract letting at the October 5 meeting of the state highway commission.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, October 4, 1973
Direct Dialing Comes To Checotah
Central office telephone equipment which will provide facilities for Direct Distance Dialing is now being installed, according to R.D. Majors, division manager for General Telephone Company of the Southwest.
“When Direct Distance Dialing, or DDD, is placed in operation in December, Checotah customers will be able to make cross-country calls with the same ease they now call across the street,” Majors said.
Mrs. Edmondson
Mrs. Ed Edmondson will be in Checotah on Wednesday, Ovt. 10 at 7:30 to speak to the United Methodist Women.
Yahula Tiger
Marine Cpl. Yahula A. Tiger Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Yahula Tiger of 503 Foley Ave., Eufaula, was promoted to his present rank while serving at the Marine Corps Air Station.
••••• 25 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, October 1, 1998
Dead Body Discovered Off I-40 Near Checotah
The body of a Mississippi man was discovered near Interstate 40 last Tuesday. His death is being investigated as a homicide, according to officials.
A passing motorist spotted the body mid-morning, identified by McIntosh County Sheriff Bobby Gray, as Gary Duane Jones, 51, of Tupelo, at the Pierce Road exit, approximately 10 miles west of Checotah.
Jones’ body lay in weeds approximately 30 yards from his early model Dodge motor home with Mississippi license plates, stuck in a nearby ditch.
Sheriff Gray surmised that Jones got into a confrontation with another individual at the Tiger Mountain rest stop nearby and it looked like someone was trying to steal the vehicle before it became stuck. Jones was headed west.
All kinds of things go on at that rest stop, according to Gray.
“The problem with the rest stop has been ongoing for quite a while, like prostitution, robberies and other problems. All the state has done so far is put a sign up,” Gray said.
Council Approves R.E.A.P. Resolution
The Checotah City Council voted Monday night to approve Resolution No. 98-09-28, authorizing application for a R.E.A.P. (Rural Economic Action Program) grant that would allow the city to purchase playground equipment and overhaul/renovate tennis courts and improve park property.