Stories from the past
114 YEARS AGO The Checotah Time
Friday, November 5, 1909
Prepare to Dig Down Deep For Your 1909 Taxes In this issue we publish an abstract of the taxes for McIntosh county for the current year and which are now due and being collected by County treasurer Miller.
This year taxes are all payable at one time and become delinquent January 1, next. The tax rate in Checotah city this year is $29.25 on the $1,000 for all purposes, state, county, city and school, $4 higher than it was last year.
Hallowe’en Pranks
The usual number of Hallowe’en pranks were indulged in by the young folks last Saturday night.
The fine moonlight night was an excellent one for the execution of the kind of work and the participants are to be commended for doing nothing but what could be taken for a joke.
Buggies and wagons were pulled around town and some of the sidewalks and stairways obstructed and a few buildings turned over but no property was injured to any extent.
The city board of trustees met in regular session at the city hall Monday night, the most important matter under consideration being that of issuing a call for an election for the purpose of voting bonds to the amount of $10,000 for street crossings.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO
McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, November 1, 1923
Opened Highway Today
The Jefferson highway near Eufaula which has been closed since the high waters of two weeks ago was opened again for traffic this morning.
Between 100 and 150 feet of the highway just north of the North Canadian bridge was completely washed away and is now covered in some places with 15 or 16 feet of water.
Owing to the fact that Armistice Day this year comes on Sunday, November 11th, the following day, Monday, November 12th, is hereby declared a holiday within the city of Checotah and all business places are respectfully requested to close on that day in honor of the boys who served their country in the World War.
A.C. Sanders, Mayor
POPULARITY OF MULES FOR FARM WORK IS RAPIDLY INCREASING The ability of the mule to endure hardship; and perform sterling service under adverse conditions has established him as a real asset in American agriculture, says the United States Department of Agriculture, and his impotence and popularity as a work animal is attested by his rapidly increasing use.
In 1910, the number of mules on farms and ranches was 4,209,769. The number on January 1, 1920, was 5,432,391, an increase during the decade of nearly 30 percent.
Neary three-fifths of all the mules in use in the United States are found in the nine Cotton Belt states. These states, Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina and Louisiana, had a total of 3,172,797 mules in 1920 as compared with 2,855,258 horses.
Texas and Oklahoma were the only Cotton Belt states having more horses than mules.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO
McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, May 6, 1943
War Bond Sales In County Exceed Quota By $30,000 Bond sales in McIntosh county during the second war loan drive in April totaled nearly $185,000, far exceeding the quota of $152,700, it was reported this week by L.K. Sharpe, county sales manager.
Blanks available For Registration On Canning Sugar
Registration for canning sugar, which will start at the high school building next week, will be conducted partly by mail, members of the county ration board stated this week.
The board explained that the mail feature was being added “so that applicants won’t have to stand in line to make an application” like so many did last year.
Present prospects point to an extremely dry year in 1943, it is revealed in the weather report, announced this week by Golden Berry, local observer.
Only 1.35 inches of rain fell during April, which is the smallest recording for the month since the drouth year of 1936.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO
McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, November 11, 1948
Disable Veterans To Convene Monday
An important meeting of the Checotah post of the Disabled American Veterans, will be held at the Legions hall at 8 o’clock Monday night according to Joe Searcy, commander.
Red Hunter Heads Veteran Gift Drive
“Red” Hunter, Checotah postmaster, has been appointed “gifts for Yanks” chairman for the American Legion in Oklahoma, it has been announced by Preston Moore, department commander.
Legion Basketeers Win Three Victories
The American Legion basketball team coached by “Red” Hunter, defeated Hoffman 31 to 29 in an overtime thriller at the local gymnasium Wednesday night.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO
McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, November 25, 1973
Airman Rodney D. Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Olin J. Harris of Checotah, has been assigned to Lowry AFB Colorado, after completing Air Force Basic Training.
Roger Van Brunt
Sergeant Roger d. Van Brunt, son of Mrs. Jewell Van Brunt of Council Hill, is a member of the best fuel management branch in the U.S. Air force.
Sgt. Van Brunt is assigned at Carswell AFB, Texas, with the 7th Supply Squadron, which won the American Petroleum Institute Trophy for having the best Air Force operated petroleum organization.
Hale Qualifies For Nat’l Finals
DENVER, Colo. – Billy Hale of Checotah recently qualified for this 13th National Finals Rodeo set for Oklahoma City, Okla., Dec. 1-9, the Rodeo Cowboys Association said.
Beaird Elected To League Post
Mayor Floyd Beaird has been named chairman of the District 2 of the Oklahoma Municipal League, a group comprised of most towns in the northeastern part of the state.
••••• 25 YEARS AGO
McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, November 19, 1998
Salary, Benefit Agreement Reached Between School Board And Teachers The Checotah Education Association (CEA) accepted the Checotah Board of Education salary and benefit package in negotiations that concluded on Oct. 23, 1998, for the 1998-99 school year.
According to the agreement, those eligible teachers – 25 years of experience and above – shall receive a one-time stipend of $332 for those with a bachelor’s degree and $459 for those with masters’ degrees.
Also an issue had been the extra duty pay schedule, as outlined by previously negotiated contract agreement, as well as this year’s salary schedule.
Main Street “Giveaway” Coming Soon
Checotah Main Street is offering a reward for shoppers at Checotah participating merchants in their giant ‘$3,000 Main Street Dollar$ Giveaway” this holiday season.
Council Approves Plan For Salary Conversion For City Employees It proved to be a long night as the City Council tackled a long business agenda, which included the approval of a cafeteria plan and conversion of salaries to hourly rates for city employees.