Stories from the past
114 YEARS AGO The Checotah Times Friday, March 4, 1910
Washington, D.C., Feb. 28 – “The death knell of Haskellism and rascalism is tolling and in a few months the new Oklahoma will begin its career with a party of progress in power, a triumph over democracy and misrule, a victory for the best that is in Oklahoma, and one more demonstration that the republican party stands for the protection of rich and poor alike, a guarantee of honest government, the champion of general prosperity.”
Thus spoke Rep. Creager of Muskogee, today in a speech replete with stinging invective and ridicule of democracy in Oklahoma.
Assessor Starts Work
City Assessor Ben Huddleston commenced work Wednesday taking the assessment of property in the city of Checotah and property owners will do well to dig up their deeds and figure up their wealth preparatory to his coming. The assessment is based upon what property you own on March 1, 1910.
••••• 100 Years Ago McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, February 21, 1924 Memorial to Our Soldier Boys
Some time ago the ladies in the Delphian Chapter sponsored a movement to solicit donations for trees and their placement in Greenlawn cemetery as a living memorial to the young men from this community who participated in the World War.
After much delay, because of incessant bad weather, through the aid of Mr. A.J. Bass and Mr. J.C. Dodd, the trees were set out the latter part of last week and add a great deal to the beauty of the cemetery as enough trees were donated to line both sides of the main driveway.
To All Ex-Service Men
We have just received from the state headquarters of the American Legion blanks and forms for the relief of distressed soldiers.
This fund was created and is known as The Oklahoma Emergency Relief Fund and is to be used only in cases of dire distress and absolute want.
Don’t misconstrue this as a bonus, for it is not. Let us be thankful for this bit of temporary assistance until such time as the American people can see the necessity and right of adjusted compensation.
Mrs. Schofield Home
Mrs. J.G. Schofield, who has been confined in a Muskogee hospital for six weeks on account of a broken leg, was brought home last Sunday.
During the same day Judge Schofield experienced an attack of heart trouble and for some hours his condition was considered quite serious. We are pleased to state that at this writing both the Judge and Mrs. Schofield are doing nicely and their legion of friends trust that they will continue to improve rapidly.
80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, August 12, 1943
CHECOTAH BOY RELATES ACTION ON ENTERPRISE Dynamic accounts of action aboard the famous aircraft carrier Enterprise were related this week by Warrant Officer Richard Strong, veteran of 13 major sea battles in the Pacific.
Strong, who has been in the U.S. Navy for 12 years, has been in every important battle in our fight against Japan, beginning with the historic fight at Midway, through the battle of the Coral Seas, down to mopping up operations in the Solomons.
The Enterprise, familiarly known as “the old lady,” has gained renown as a lucky ship, piling up records of achievement in action, sustaining a number of heavy hits but never being forced to pull out of the fight.
Gruber Hospital Gets Bathrobes
The bathrobes recently finished by the Checotah chapter of the Red Cross for use of hospital convalescents at Camp Gruber were delivered Wednesday to the camp by members of the local camp and hospital committee who met with the council at Gruber on that date.
The robes were put into immediate use by the soldiers who were clamoring for the lightweight garments to replace the heavy G.I robes.
Ask Lawyers Quite Coaching Draftees
Prospective draftees who are seeking the advice of lawyers in an effort to secure deferment, were warned to cease the practice in a statement issued by Hugh Miller, member of the county draft board this week.
Miller said the practice of seeking legal advice had become widespread, but that the opinion of the lawyers had no effect whatsoever on the decisions of the draft board.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, February 17, 1949
9 Liquor Stamps Issue In County
Veterans To Discuss State Bonus Issue
Records in the office of the collector of internal revenue disclosed this week that 911 federal liquor tax stamps were issued in legally dry Oklahoma in the first six months of the 1948-49 fiscal year.
Nine of the retail stamp purchasers gave McIntosh County addresses, three in Checotah, five in Eufaula and one in Hanna.
A special meeting of the Checotah chapter of Veterans of Foreign Wars will be held at the Legion hall at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon, according to Kermit Milam post commander.
The question of a state bonus for veterans and the repeal of the prohibition laws will be discussed, Milam said.
Henry Wells Completing Four Successful Years As Mayor Henry Wells, Checotah mayor for the past two terms, will close out four years in office in early April, with one of the most outstanding records of any magistrate in the city’s history.
Wells, who is stepping aside to let a new major take the reins of the city government, has completed a program which will be hard for any mayor to match in the future.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, February 28, 1974
Checotah Sweeps County Livestock Show County 4-H and FFA members exhibited 60 steers, 81 barrows and 30 lambs at the County Livestock Show, Feb. 22-23.
The Grand Champion steer was shown by Randy Knight, Checotah FFA, with a Heavy Crossbred. The Reserve Grand Champion, a Medium Hereford, was shown by Jimmy Hamm, Midway 4-H.
Girl Scouts Begin Cooke Sale
Mrs. Warren Creekmore has announced that the Girl Scout Cookie Sale will begin Thursday Mach 1, 1974. However, the cookies will cost $1 a box instead of the usual 50 cents.
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Lottery hits Okies this week with big promises Oklahomans all over the state are showing their excitement as the first Oklahoma Lottery in history began yesterday.
Sheriff warns residents of county “warrant round-up”
According to McIntosh County Sheriff Terry Jones, a “warrant round-up” is about to begin.
He said all unpaid fines and outstanding warrants are coming to a halt. This is your last chance to take care of unpaid traffic fines, other fines and outstanding warrants.
Bomb scare puts post office on hold last week A bomb scare last Wednesday left a square block of downtown Checotah roped off while local law enforcement officials attempted to determine the contents of a suitcase deposited in front of the Post Office there.
According to Checotah Police Chief Terry Cossey, an as-yet unidentified white male exited his early model burgundy Lincoln Town Car and placed a suitcase in front of the Muskogee Phoenix newspaper box by the local Post Office.