Stories from the past
114 YEARS AGO The Checotah Times Friday, April 8, 1910
More Concrete Walks
Checotah is to have more concrete sidewalks. At an adjourned meeting of the city council Tuesday night the necessary proceedings were taken for the ordering in of concrete walks on Broadway, both sides of the street, from Jefferson avenue to the Orphans Home. From Jefferson to Spaulding the walk will be 10 feet in width and 5 feet the remainder of the distance
In Our New Home
The Times is now located in the New Price building on south Broadway, first floor in the rear. If this issue is short on news our readers will know the reason why. We invite our patrols to call and see us in our new quarters.
A Word Personal
While moving the big press in the Times office last Saturday the machine fell down a stairway, completely wrecking it and putting it out of commission. As a result we are minus a press. Both out neighbors, the Democrat and the Enquirer, have kindly offered us the use of their presses until we can install a new one, which we hope to be able to do in the very near future. But that will require a cash outlay of about $600 which is just $600 more than we have on hand at the present time.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, March 13, 1924
Death at the Home
The grim reaper death invaded the Oddfellows Home in this city Tuesday afternoon and claimed the life of Jesse Wilson Moore. Deceased was born in Morgan county, Ga., November 11, 1854, being 69 years and 4 months of age at time of death. He was a member of the Hollis Lodge No. 232 I.O.O.F. and was admitted to the home September 17, 1922. Deceased was a bachelor and is survived by one sister, a niece and nephew.
Notice to Automobile Owners
All persons operating automobiles, trucks or tractors without 1924 license tags are subject to arrest and fine of at least $25 and cost.
Highway enforcement officers are expected to visit McIntosh County in a few days and arrest all who have not 1924 tags.
Apron and Bonnet Sale
The ladies of the Christian will conduct their annual spring bazaar of sun bonnets, aprons, cakes, pies and other cooked food stuffs at the M.L. Newman grocery store Saturday, March 29.
Methodist Church
There will be a special program at the Methodist church Sunday both morning and night.
The Checotah orchestra will play for us, the male quartette will sing and other interesting numbers. The pastor will sing Calvary at the morning service. We are making an effort to have every one present Sunday. This is a great occasion, come
••••• 80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, September 9, 1943
Ross Hogan Tells About Jap Battles In New Guinea
Lt. Ross Hogan is battling the Japanese in the deep jungles of New Guinea and finds life very exciting despite th danger of wild animals and Jamp sniper.s.
In a letter received in May he described the beauties of the land down under, but later epistles posted in August, srike a grimmer note, assuring relatives only of his immediate safety in the terrible battle of the South Pacific Island.
Army to Sponsor Survey of Women
A survey of the women in McIntosh county for possible enlistment in the Women’s Army Corps, will be undertaken within the next week or 10 days, representatives of the army war council have announced.
Connors to Offer New War Courses
Special courses in war work will be offered students who enroll at Connor’s Agricultural college at Warner at the start of the fall term Monday, Sept. 13, according to the announcement of Jacob Johnson, college president.
These special courses will include typewriting, shorthand, bookkeeping, shop mathematics and blueprint reading
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, March 10,1949
Vet Memorial Plot Will Be Landscaped
The American Legion Auxiliary will launch an immediate campaign for funds to landscape the Veterans Memorial plot at Greenlawn cemetery, according to Mrs. Roy Hazlett, president.
Miss Myrtle Wallace Having Fine Season Myrtle Wallace of Checotah, member of the famous All-American Red Heads basketball team, is having a highly successful season, press dispatches from the Pacific coast indicate.
She has averaged better than 10 points per game playing against men opponents. In her most recent game, she hit the basket for 24 points.
961 Sign Petitions For Repeal Election Want to end dry laws
A total of 961 McIntosh county citizens signed a repeal petition which asks the governor and the legislature to call a special election for repeal of Oklahoma’s historic bone dry laws.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, March 21, 1974
Navy Airman Arvie C. Ratliff, son of Mrs. Audry B. Head of Route 1, Checotah, was promoted to his present rank while serving with Patrol Squadron Nine at Naval Air Station here.
Edward Woodall
Navy Aviation Electronics Technician Second Class Edward J. Woodall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Woodall of Porum was promoted to his present rank and designsted an aircrewman at the Naval Air Station here. He will participate on patrol missions as an in-flight radioman.
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, November 3, 2005
Update on jail conditions
McIntosh County Commissioners are still eagerly working on the conditions of the McIntosh County Jail and the prospects of building a new county jail.
According to Bill Childress with Wingfield FBS Engineering of Antlers (who was previously hired to provide planning and building services concerning a new jail), the county has recently fixed all problems in the current jail as cited by the Oklahoma Fire Marshal’s office.
The commissioners will try to pass a sales tax increase in an upcoming election to help build this much-needed facility. Childress said that no matter if the sales tax increase passes or not, the county will have to build a new facility, one way or another. The county was given no other options but to build a new jail by Oklahoma Jail Inspector Don Garrison during his visit.
Tests find bacteria in Checotah water samples In a report sent to Checotah residents from the Checotah Public Works Authority, officials state that tests have shown coliform bacteria has been found in Checotah drinking water.
“Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard,” stated the letter. “Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we did to correct this situation.”