LAWTON – Over the past several days, The GEO Group and the Oklahoma Department of Corrections have worked together on a one-year contract to continue operating the Lawton Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility (LCRF). Yesterday, an agreement was reached on the terms of a new one-year contract, effective July 1, 2024.
“As a long-term partner with the State of Oklahoma, we want to thank Director Steven Harpe and his senior team for their professional efforts in helping us meet our respective objectives related to the continued operation of the Lawton facility for another year,” stated George Zoley, GEO’s Executive Chairman.
“This does not mean the facility will return to the status quo,” explained ODOC Director Steven Harpe. “We are putting more procedures in place to ensure safety for our incarcerated population.”
As part of the agreement, ODOC will reduce the number of inmates housed at LCRF. With the population reduction, GEO has pledged to actively work to reduce violence, provide more access to programs, and grant more out-of-cell time for the inmates.
Zoley continued, “We are particularly pleased with the department’s collaborative effort in agreeing to reduce the overall facility population to 2,388 inmates. This decision will significantly enhance our ability to address and manage inmate incidents.
“We are mindful of the responsibility we are undertaking, and we pledge to Governor Kevin Stitt and Director Harpe that we are fully committed to ensuring the facility is operated in accordance with the State’s high standards and the terms of our contract going forward.”
The facility currently houses 2,616 inmates, including the state’s only protective custody unit. Strategic legislative partners helped the agency and GEO reach an agreement.
“Finally, we want to extend our sincere gratitude to State Representative Trey Caldwell for his unwavering efforts on behalf of his constituents and our employees. His invaluable assistance was instrumental in helping us reach an agreement with the State on the continued operation of the Lawton facility for the coming year,” said Zoley.
“We echo GEO’s gratitude for Representative Caldwell and would also like to thank Governor Stitt, Speaker Charles McCall, Representative Kyle Hilbert, Senator Darcy Jech and Senator Brent Howard for their guidance through this negotiation process,” commented Director Harpe.
ODOC and GEO are confident in the renewed partnership and will continue to emphasize enhanced protection and operational measures. This continuation marks a strategic step forward in fostering a secure and safe environment while upholding the principles of rehabilitation and changing lives.
The Board of Correction approval allows the contract to move forward in the process to be approved by the Attorney General’s office and executed by ODOC.