Since being sworn into office, I’ve hit the ground running in the bill-filing process.
The first bill I’m working on is one that would address wind farms. The hope is to protect the rights of landowners, especially their water and mineral rights, along with wildlife.
Oklahoma is part of the Central Flyway, a wintering range for various species of waterfowl, including many – such as eagles – that are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. It is paramount we keep this channel of migration open for these waterfowl.
This is a hot topic in our House district and in other areas across the state. I’m still working with House legal staff and other lawmakers on the language for this bill.
Once this bill is filed, constituents and others will be able to read the specific language and then follow along as the bill advances through the legislative process.
The deadline to request bills is Dec. 6, and then we have until Jan. 16 to formally file them.
In between that, we’ll hold our Organizational Day on Jan. 7 when we officially elect the new speaker of the house and the speaker pro tem.
We’ll also adopt the rules we will follow for the first session of the 60th Legislature, which convenes Feb. 3.
Committees will begin meeting in the weeks following the start of session.
In the meantime, if I can help you in my capacity as your representative, answer questions or concerns related to legislation, or you just want to share thoughts or ideas for potential bills, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Capitol.
My office phone is (405) 557-7375, and my email is tim.turner@okhouse. gov.
Rep. Tim Turner, a Republican, represents House District 15 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. His district includes Haskell County and portions of McIntosh, Muskogee, Le Flore and Pittsburg counties.
Rep. Tim Turner